Once you click on a particular job permit, you will be taken to the Details screen:
Sometimes you may receive a "The permit request is still being processed" error:
This means that PermitMonitor is still generating the permit following the beforeUdig lodgment. This process should not take very long. Close the permit and re-open after a couple of minutes.
On the left of the screen under the various headings, you will see notifications of what needs to be done. This is where all notifications will appear throughout the permitting process.
How to fill in the Details Screen
You need to fill in the permit details required under Traffic Management, Schedule and Contact List sections of the Details screen.
If you need to change the dates of your permit, you can do this via the schedule section.
As you save your permit details, the notification numbers on the left will decrease. The Road Authorities also have access to set, approve and change these details. The council must approve these details before granting the permit.
The council can communicate any rejections or concerns with you through the Messages section.
To get back to the Dashboard at any time, simply click the Permit Requests tab at the top left of the screen:
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