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PermitMonitor NZ
Website Assistance
Website Assistance
Help articles for using the PermitMonitor site
Getting Started
PermitMonitor Process Overview
How do I open PermitMonitor?
I cannot open PermitMonitor
Viewing the PermitMonitor Dashboard Screen
Viewing the Dashboard screen
How can I search for my permits in PermitMonitor?
I cannot find my permit in PermitMonitor
Can I save my settings in PermitMonitor?
Viewing the Details Screen
What do I need to do on the Details screen?
Can I change my permit dates in PermitMonitor?
What are the different Contact List options?
How to fill in the Traffic Management details
What does "Permit On Hold" mean?
Viewing the Documents Screen
What do I need to do on the Documents screen?
What are the different Document types?
What are TMPs?
What is the Conditions document for?
Viewing the Message Screen
How do I use the PermitMonitor Message screen?
Viewing the Location Screen
What is the Location screen for in PermitMonitor?
Finalising Your Permit
What do I need to do after my permit has been approved?
What do I need to do after my job is complete? (Inspections, Warranty, Closure)